System for managing front-desk, reservations and operations in your hotel.
System for managing front-desk, reservations and operations in your hotel.
We will connect you to both Czech and foreign booking portals - all from one place.
More direct reservations through the reservation system on your website
Advanced module for dynamic pricing and restriction based on revenue indicators
Advanced finance and operations statistics help you to make the right decision for your business.
Financial management module with cash registers and sales reporting
Guest friendly portal where they can get an overview, check in, pay the bill and more
Integrovaný inbox s automatizací provozních a marketingových emailů a SMS zpráv
System for restaurant, bar or café with mobile waiter application.
Records and advanced segmentation of your contacts of guests and companies.
Client support, professional training and regular conferences.
Nemusíme vás přesvědčovat o tom, proč budete mít díky systému Better Hotel lepší hotel.
Za pár minut sami pochopíte, proč si nás vybrali už stovky hoteliérů a proč u nás zůstávají.
Within 24 hours after sending the form, our sales representative will contact you and arrange a system demonstration date with you.